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Conducting Intensive 2022

This is event has concluded. It was a very intense experience for the participants who are now in our community bringing new skills and insight to their practise. We plan to offer other opportunities for conductors and directors in 2023

Note: Limited to a maximum of 12 conductors. Observers are welcome and encouraged to the Podium Sessions.

Friday September 30 – Sunday October 2 2022

Consolidate, refine and develop your conducting and directing skills through this two-day Conductor Intensive. Facilitated by Dr Kevin Cameron and Matt Klohs from Maestros with a Mission, you will be peer mentored by two conducting experts as you direct one of New Zealand’s premiere concert bands.  Module sessions addressing other vital aspects of the conducting art will be presented, including: 

Baton Technique, Score Study and Preparation, Public Speaking for Conductors, Communication through Imagination and Vocabulary, Philosophies of Conducting, Rehearsal Techniques, Conducting and Positive Education Psychology, and Character Strengths in Rehearsal.

Kevin and Matt offered a small taste of their superpowers as educators and clinicians at Festival 2019 and 2022. Each person left the podium energised, empowered and excited to bring change to their practice.

Maestros with a Mission: Kevin Cameron and Matt Klohs

Maestros With a Mission is an Australian music consulting firm, primarily working within the wind ensemble genre, bringing to bear a vast base of performance experience to assist the development and growth of all facets of the industry both within Australia and internationally. Our Directors and associate consultants are all professional conductors and experienced teachers who have earned a significant profile through decades of artistic practice at the highest levels. We have a common desire and a genuine passion for assisting the development and nurturing the growth of Australasia’s next generation of conductors and musical leaders. 

Our Services

Maestros With a Mission offers a range of specialised professional services including:

  • Conductor Intensive Workshops (focussing on practical podium skills and a targeted holistic approach to preparation)
  • Conductor’s Toolbox Workshops (focussing on single modules of particular skills and knowledge)      
  • Consultant advice for ensembles, music institutions, and competition associations (on request) in the areas of conducting services, music direction, music assessment and adjudication, ensemble development and strategy, and music director searches.

Works for Participating Conductors

Participants will choose one work to conduct from this list. Each conductor will supply their own score for all pieces, available from JWPepper for between US$7.50 and US$40.


SUNDAY September 25

6:00-7:30pm Zoom session with all participating conductors and both facilitators.

FRIDAY September 31 Laidlaw College in Henderson

3:00-6:00pm  Plenary Session (Philosophies/Beliefs), Pretexts (Up Country Tune), Score Study and Preparation 

6:00-6:45pm  Dinner break (Bring your own meal or go to nearby fast food outlets)

7:00-8:15pm Podium Session 1

8:30-9:30 pm  Podium Session 2

SATURDAY October 1 Laidlaw College in Henderson

9:00-10:00 am In person module work with participants – Character Strengths and Positive Psychology 

10:00-11:30 am Podium Session 3

11:45-1:00 pm Podium Session 4

1:00-1:45 pm Lunch break (bring your own)

2:00 – 3:45 pm Podium Session 5

4:00-4:30 pm  Review of the Podium Sessions  

4:30 Rehearsal for WCCB which participants are welcome to observe

6:15 Participants invited to casual dinner on site with WCCB

SUNDAY October 2

Concert by West City Concert Band at 2pm at Massey High School, Bruce Ritchie Performing Arts Centre.

Participants are given a complimentary ticket.

Registration Fees (gst incl)

As part of our commitment to education of our members, NZCBA is subsiding this event heavily.
  • Conductors: $300 (limited to 12) includes complimentary ticket to WCCB Concert on Sunday.
  • Observers are welcome to the Podium Sessions
    • Observers Friday: Waged $30/Unwaged $20
    • Observers Saturday: Waged $50/Unwaged $30
    • Observers Both Days: Waged $80/Unwaged $50

Venue is Laidlaw College in Henderson, Auckland

The Model Band: West City Concert Band

West City Concert Band will be the model band for you to conduct. West City Concert Band is a community symphonic wind ensemble performing engaging and creative music to audiences across the West Auckland region. Founded in 1976, the band has grown to over 50 players of all ages and is part of an organisation of three bands and over 100 members. West City Concert Band has earned with numerous awards at NZCBA Festivals, including the most distinguished honour, “Outstanding Festival Band”, for the past four years.

Its Musical Director is Chad Davenport.