NZCBA is looking for two roles at present, a treasurer-secretary, and a funding manager.
Treasurer-Secretary Job Description
Reports to: Finance / Governance Officer
Honoraria $2,000 per anum.
Accounting and Bookkeeping:
- Reconciling bank transactions against the chart of accounts in Xero.
- Filing GST returns with the Inland Revenue department.
- Actioning accounts payable invoices and expense claims through Xero.
- Sending invoices and managing accounts receivable through Xero.
- Loading transactions into online banking for approval by the Executive Committee, in accordance with executive delegations.
- Holding the society credit card and making relevant payments on behalf of the Society.
- Ensuring that all payments have been approved by the Executive Committee (via approved budgets, delegations or committee resolutions).
- Providing monthly financial reports to the Executive Committee.
- Assisting the Financial Officer and other committee members with monitoring of budgets.
- Assisting with preparation of the annual financial statements.
- Filing the organisation’s annual return and financial statements with the Department of Internal Affairs.
- Updating officer details on the charities website and incorporated societies website.
- Maintaining and updating the register of members.
- Maintaining the official society records, consisting of:
- Annual Financial Statements;
- Minutes of General Meetings, Committee Meetings, Committee Resolutions;
- Register of Members;
- Interests Register; and
- Society Contracts.
- Providing notice of general meetings (AGM and SGMs) along with all requisite documentation to the society membership.
- Confirming meeting location and (where applicable) video conference link. Confirming meeting attendances.
- Minuting general meetings of the society and meetings of the Executive Committee.
- Confirming the minutes of meetings with the chairperson of the meeting and circulating copies of the minutes once finalised.
- Monitoring the enquiring mailbox and forwarding requests through to the relevant society officer (if required) or responding to queries directly.
Funding and Relations Manager Job Description
Reports to: President / Finance Officer
Honoraria: $2,000 per anum with additional payments on receipt of successful funding.
- Identify opportunities for grant applications.
- Maintain a granting calendar of important funding dates.
- Coordinate with the Financial Officer items to apply for grants and funding for.
- Complete the grant applications on behalf of NZCBA.
- Complete any reporting process required in respect of successful funding.
- Act as the primary point of contact between NZCBA and key sponsors and partners.
- This includes instrument repair and sales teams, as well as the Navy Band/RNZ Air Force Band.
- Set the sponsorship package and agree with sponsors the level of funding they will provide and the benefits of that funding.
- Coordinate sponsor’s involvement with NZCBA events throughout the year.
Governance (if an Officer of the Society):
- Attend meetings of the Executive Committee.
- Approve Bylaws/policies.
- Approve national budget, review financial reports.